
Friday, December 16, 2016

Webui Classes and interface


            This class creates an instance of business object layer (Component Set). This class follows singleton design pattern. The BOL Core is the central service provider for API classes and it communicates with underlying business object implementation.
·         START_UP: It takes the name of component set that to be started and starts the BOL. It takes one more parameter IV_DISPLAY_MODE_SELECT which is optional and set to ABAP_FALSE by default. This means BOL follows optimistic lock which makes all objects changeable in user interface even without a lock. The lock is automatically requested on first attempt of change.
·         GET_ENTITY_FACTORY: Get factory handler for business object.

            Used to select bol entity.
·         GET_INSTANCE: Get the instance.
·         SET_PROPERTY: Set a search criterion.
·         GET_QUERY_RESULT: This method is used to execute the query and returns the result of type if_bol_entity_col.

            This class is used for advanced query search using greater than, lesser than, multiple search patterns, saved searches (save and retrieve).
·         SET_QUERY_PARAMETERS: Setting the query parameter for maximum hits.
·         ADD_SELECTION_PARM: Adding selection criteria. It takes 4 parameters.
·         GET_QUERY_RESULT: This method is used to execute the query and returns the result of type if_bol_entity_col.
·         SAVE_QUERY_AS_TEMPLATE: Save query as template using query id.
·         LOAD_QUERY_AS_TEMPLATE: Load the query from template using query id.

            This class is used to access the entities which implements business objects.
·         GET_RELATED_ENTITIES: Gets a list of 1:N related entities for particular attributes.
·         CREATE_RELATED_ENTITIES: For creating child objects.

            This class is used to hold all the instances implementing the standard property access interface IF_BOL_BO_PROPERTY_ACCESS.

            This holds regular BOL entities only.

·         CREATE: For creating root entity.

            This class is used to describe the property of attributes such as changing to dropdown list, checkbox, link, radio, oca, etc.

            This interface Controls transactional behavior such as modify, create, delete entities. It has three types of transaction, one is global transaction context which holds all modified root entities, next is fine granular transaction context exists for each root object instance and last is custom transaction context.
·         SAVE: Save the changes.
·         COMMIT: Commit the changes.
            Provides collection to hold business objects (BO).
·         GET_FIRST: Gets the first entity from collection wrapper.
·         GET_NEXT: Gets the next entity from collection wrapper.
            This interface is used to access the properties of BOL entities and query services. The classes CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY and CL_CRM_BOL_QUERY_SERVICE inherits this interface.

·         SET_PROPERTY