
Friday, November 11, 2016

SAP CRM Business Partner and Set type data tables

SAP CRM Business Partner and Set type data tables

Following are the tables that will come in handy, when you have to find out where is the relationship stored between BP Guid and Set Types Guid (Example, Shipping, Billing, Sales Tab's).
Here are the tables

CRMD_ORGMAN – Organization unit set
BUT000 - Business Partner
CRMM_BUT_LNK0011 - Business Partner - Sales Rule
CRMM_BUT_SET0010 - Business Partner: Sales Data
CRMM_BUT_LNK0021 - Business Partner - Shipping Rule
CRMM_BUT_SET0020 - Business Partner: Shipping Data
CRMM_BUT_LNK0031 - Business Partner - Billing Rule
CRMM_BUT_SET0030 - Business Partner: Billing Data
CRMM_BUT_LNK0141 - Business Partner Organization Rule
CRMM_BUT_SET0140 - Business Partner Organization Rule Period

Friday, November 4, 2016

Difference Between Append Structure and Include Structure

Difference Between Append Structure and Include Structure

1. Append Structure is a mechanism of adding extra fields to the Standard Table. Where as, Include Structure is a mechanism of adding extra fields to the Custom Table.

2. Append Structure adds fields at the last of the Standard Table. Where as, Include Structure adds fields at any position.

3. Append Structure can only be used once.(i.e. If we add an append structure to a Standard Table, the same Structure can't be appended to the another Standard table). Where as, Include Structure can for Multiple Tables. (i.e. If we include structure to the custom table using include structure, the same structure can be included in any other Custom Tables).

Append Structure & Include Structure can also be used to add new fields or extra fields to the structures. (i.e. Using Append Structure, we can add a structure to a standard structure, which will add the fields at the end of the structure. Include Structure can be included in any custom structure at any position).

Note :
1. It is not possible to add or to append or to include a table to a structure.
2. We can't append a structure to a sap table which has the fields with data type VARC, LCHR RAW & LRAW.(i.e. all the fields with the above specified data types should be always be as the last fields in the data base table. if we add an append structure to such table their comes the conflict b/w append structure and the long data types in sap table.