SAP CRM webui provides this excellent feature to change layout of view based on our requirement.
When a new screen layout is created a Guid is generated by system (context id), the Screen layout customisation is stored as an XML file,Based on the context system at run time knows which screen layout need to be loaded.
As a developer we are are aware of the change done on screen by us ,while sometime it is difficult to know the views/component name as their might be a lot of views changed or maybe other developers are also working on the same component.
In Transport request we can only see the guids and and some others node, like in the below picture:
this is not what we are looking for right ?
The solution of our question is BSPC_DL_XMLSTRX2.
"BSPC_DL_XMLSTRX2 is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Storagetable for XML layout descriptions information."
1. Goto Se16/SE11 give the table name as BSPC_DL_XMLSTRX2.
2. In the Context id field paste the guid(or list of guid ) copied from the transport request.
3. Execute. you will get View and component name with role key and other fields .
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